Forbes | Opinion: When it Comes to Breaking the Highest, and Hardest Glass Ceiling, Kamala Harris is Looking to Finish the Job
"On the second night of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) of 2016, Hillary Clinton appeared via satellite as a collage of all male presidents was graphically shattered to show her live image. In that moment, she said, “I can’t believe that we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet,” referring to what she called the “highest, hardest glass ceiling” of the U.S. presidency eight years prior. When Clinton takes to the DNC stage on Monday, she will do so again with the mission to see that ceiling shattered once and for all by Vice President Kamala Harris." -Dr. Kelly Dittmar, Director of Research at the Center for American Women and Politics
New Jersey Globe | Opinion: Echoes of 1968
"As this year’s Democratic Convention in Chicago approached, comparisons with the last Chicago Convention, in 1968, were both widespread and understandable. Like 2024, with wars raging abroad and unrest growing at home, with shots fired at political figures, with an incumbent president withdrawing from the race, and with, as a young reporter (my father) put it in 1968, “a mounting sense of powerlessness in the face of events,” 1968 was a tumultuous year in American history." - John J. Farmer, Jr., Director of the Miller Center on Policing and Community Resilience
US News & World Report | Is America Ready for a Woman President?
“Harris has the benefit of Hillary Clinton, who at least ran before as a national nominee. She did not have to contend with the racism that's coming Harris' way, but she certainly had to deal with the misogyny and sexism,” she says. “And not only does Harris have the benefit of someone who's done it before, but someone who's done it against the same person. So there's a lot that she and her campaign will know about in terms of what's coming.”- Debbie Walsh, Director of CAWP |